Lelit Bianca V3 espresso machine with dual boilers flow profiling a classic E61 GROUP HEAD WITH MODERN TECH FEATURES today we’re going to look more specifically at the newly released Bianca V3.
This Lelit Bianca V3 is an updated version of this espresso machine.
It’s no secret that I have been a Bianca fan for a while for quality, features, value, and flow profiling abilities.
Now I’ve been talking about creating an article on the Lelit Bianca in the espresso machine before it
was even popular and prices as often what’s new with the v3.

It’s designed its new user interface, and then also some of the new features now with design, obviously, looking at this matte black and This isn’t customized in an aftermarket setting.
They also have a matte white style, But some people love the painted look or polished look.
Now, I’m a huge fan of the matte black with the light wood. For me, this is a very modern walk in the matches.
so I think it looks absolutely beautiful. But there are a lot of people who want that wall and that is also a pretty good piece.
It is an extra cost. Also note, if you get the black and white model, they are just painted.
There are some key features here that I want to highlight.
It is an extra cost. Also note, if you get the black and white model, they are just painted.
And this is because for years I’ve talked about the drip tray on the Bianca’s lacking and they’ve updated it only for the painted models.
they’ve done instead of the great sitting on the inside of the Bianca like they have in past models.
This is my grate from the v1 Lelit Bianca inside. you can see the grade sits on inside. it can rattle and rubbers get loose.
This is a cheaper great material compared to some ECM and Profitec materials. This feels good. this is going to rattle.
This one here feels a lot more polished. Huge fan of the new fan for they did this so that the paint doesn’t get chipped.
If you look here, there’s like a lip on the outside if they paint that you knock a cup there its chips.
Some other design things that I love about the Lelit bianca V3.
This is also on the Lelit Bianca V1 , V2, and V1 So these things are new to me, the Steam arm and the water arm no longer touch the body if you put them back. The only way to push them backward.
Lelit Bianca V3 dimensions 290W x400H x 500D
Use interface
Now this machine does heat up faster than the lelit Bianca V2 and lelit Bianca V1 noticeably faster for me. it was around 15 minutes.
I Would still it’s probably good for you to hold it till at least 20 minutes. So you can get thermal stability within the portafilter.
This is the notice content
The V1 Bianca was one of the first E61 Group head machines to innovate a quick heat of time with the Lelit bianca V3 .
user interface, this does have a standby mode now. This after 30 minutes, the machine is off.
That shut mode that standby mode turns all you have to do is turn off the machine.

Lift upside the lever turn the machine on put the lever downside and shut the machine off for a second, because it has changed from the past models.
needed to be adjusted all the way closed. it didn’t shut off flow and all the way open, it was like 12 milliliters second. Now it’s very different.
All the way close out of the Lelit Bianca V3 on this model has been zero flow six o’clock, we’re facing down to down to the portafilter.
It’s about 3 millimeters. It’s about 4-5 millimeters per second, give or take, all the way open is 5 and above millimeters a second, up to 6.5 millimeters per second.
This is obviously adjustable as a little screw on the back here, and you can change that to your reference.
Also, I’m referencing with Jonathan Gandhi, who’s a scientist.
He shares some data with me of his findings with flow rates,
and he said very similar, but he did point out that consistent results in measuring flow,
which is droplets of water agglomerates unless there’s an typical basket and viscous coffee that create a straight stream and have different results in measuring flow rate.
So when you do have those elements, it’ll be a little more consistent.
Flow mode
flow mode, before I get to that one, though, because probably the biggest, I’ll talk about some other things that are available now in the Lelit Binaca v3
the LCC here hasn’t changed, which I would have loved to see that, if I’m honest, this has been in this machine for a few years.
I want to see like a touchscreen or something a little more updated, but in here there’s got a bunch of new features, being like an offset for the boiler.
Basic a mode that enables you to set an offset above 25 degrees Celsius, because water is exits out of the group head.
The more brings in cold water from the tank into the boiler.
That’s obviously going to disrupt actually offset that temperature just a little bit which helps with the consistency of water temperature out of the group head.
The other feature here is low flow mode. I think low flow has a lot to offer for lot of people.
It’s basic just turn the motor and then turning it off. And letting the water soak in.
The puck low flow is automated version of the brew paddle
If you’ve ever found yourself using Bianca, maybe interested in it, but maybe a little intimidated by the whole process of using a manual paddle.
This would be the result for that you can set a low flow mode. Let’s say low flow 10 seconds.
The frist 10 SECONDS it will brew at about four bars on the manometer here at the group head, and then after 10 seconds 9 bar pressure which is about of and then after that, 9 bars come down.

You can actually set a end low flow as well, so you can bring it back down to that temperature to kind of ramp back down.
Now I think this is really great. This opens a lot of possibilities, not only because you can combine this with the paddle, you can use this with that. You can also use it with the pre-infusion mode cool.
And what’s going to is you can basic do things like blooming espresso you can do that automated pretty close on this machine by doing the full flow mode and then setting a pre-infusion. Its max time is 20 seconds.
But Slayer shots and you can do like on londoniums and stuff like that, without really touching anything nice.
And if you just want consistency back to back shots, you can dial on a coffee to a low-flow profile. We’ll do that every single shot.
It doesn’t enable you to adjust how much flow would be in the low flow, you can adjust that, obviously, with the power.
It’s still not really a perfect system. It doesn’t enable you to adjust how much flow would be in the with paddle it still not like a perfect system.
Graph it up it out for you with like a decent would the only way that you could do that would be adding a smart espresso profile and add-on that you can apparently put up right here at the manometer lance.
So stick around for his Lelit Bianca V3 review after three years along the Lelit Bianca V3 and seeing all its new features, is a still machine I would recommend for many of you.
It’s more complicated today than it was a few years ago.
Here’s what I want to say, a great value, or only a good value, maybe not even a good value at all. Here in Canada, this is $3,800 Canadian.
The ECM synchronika espresso machine is almost $1,000 more than this. The Profitec Pro 700 Is three $400 more than this Lelit bianca V3 is the best value.
If you combine a V2 Bianca Lelit and you don’t need those low profiling mode of great value.
But if you care about these new modes, I think the V3 Bianca is still the best value because it does have a flow control paddle out of the box and has a good build quality,
as good as ECM or Profitec definitely not There are gaps in the panels here, but I do still love elite.
This is one of the better value machines on the market depending on where you are in the world. The paint option might be a price increase.
I love the white wood. I love the matte black. I think this
is a great combination with the new, updated drip tray and the little flow modes out of the box.
This is a great machine that I’m excited to experiment with in ways that some other machines I have just machine for testing, and if I liked it to be content.
Reliability over time
reliability over time that people have about investing into relatively expensive coffee equipment is of course, hell will hold up over time.
I mean, no one wants to spend a lot of money just to spend even more on maintenance and repairs, especially in its early life.
And on that topic, I have good news. I will say that Leit Bianca V3 has been a serious workhorse for over a year.
And if you’re a regular viewer and wondering why you really haven’t seen much of it on my blog post, it isn’t because I don’t like it quite the contrary effect, I liked it so much it made it semi-permanent home in my kitchen.
And during that time, there hasn’t even been as much as a stutter or falter from steam to espresso.

the original group basket is still pliable without having to use a lot of muscle the rotary pump has continue to produce stable, quiet and reliable pressure.
The flow paddle still operates as it did on day one, giving you all the shot control your little heart desires, from pre infusion to flow rate, as I mentioned in the full review,
the paddle control isn’t nearly as plain chute as you might expect, especially when compared to more popular but also more expensive options like the la Marzocco GS3 MP and the San Maru.
And the 1.5 liter steam boiler still produces powerful, consistent pressure for my morning cap.
The twist knobs this which tend to wear gaskets faster than levers.
Are still working well, of course, all that is on top of it, having a handful of programming capabilities like your basic pre infusion and my personal low-flow mode,
which can engage both at the beginning of the shot for low-pressure puck saturation and at the end for a nice general ramp down,
which is great a bit more of a hands off growing experience.
So admittedly and shamefully, I will say that the kitchen machine doesn’t get nearly as much pampering and care as the studio machines do.
So there may have been some extended between backflushing or a good scrub.
the finishes and surfaces on a machine, even when faced with regular splatter and splashes left for days or sometimes weeks at a time, still clean up nicely without any lingering stains to speak.
Even the wood pieces have maintained a smooth, soft surface and have not dried out or become warped with both direct and indirect contact with heat and moisture.
And finally, as you may expect, when you use something a long period of time, issues tend to show themselves and arrive with workflow or something else.
But I’m happy to report that the Lelit Bianca V3 really didn’t have any at least for me,
I still stand the machine could definitely use some save slots for quick programming profiles to avoid having to go in and individually and adjust each setting manually.
Value for money
The other main factor when it comes to choosing a machine beyond its long-term continued peak performance is its development and granted as a 3000 dollar espresso machine isn’t within everyone’s budget.
Don’t hesitate to recommend the Lelit Bianca V3 to those weighing it against other machines in and around its price range,
and I think the most recent and popular machine to compare it to is a la Marzocco Micra, which is nearly $1,000 more,
Our Pick
![]() Lelit Binaca |
![]() Linea Micra |
Pump type | Rotary | Rotary |
Boiler | Dual | Dual |
Tank size | 2.5 liters | 2 liters |
wattage | 1400 | 1600 |
Wand Type | Insulated | Insulated |
Hot water spout | Yes | Yes |
Plumbable | Yes | Yes |
PID control | Yes | Yes |
External pump access | Yes | No |
Flow control | Yes | No |
Programmable | Yes | Yes |
For example, just to flow control alone will give you a massive amount of space to explore, as well as the consistency available programming when you want it.
And honestly, I even argue that the features in la Marzocco Linea Mini take on the nearly twice as expensive Linea Mini at least when we’re talking about home usage.

which only recently added problem pre infusion, for those who come in an external pressure adjustment screw and a shot timer for some serious luxury.
I would be curious to test out the new mini as someone who used the old one for the better part of a decade.
So if you’re reading this, LM, you know how to make me.
And lastly, fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t have personal experiences here, only secondhand stories,
so hey with a grain of salt, but from what I’ve read lately, weeks after sale, repairs is a lot more difficult, because in most cases, you have to pack it all up and ship it out to the retailer.
Versus la Marzocco, their entire lineup. It also has a wide network of technicians across the entire world that can work on your machine, but she gives la Marzocco a pretty serious leg up in the long term.
Don’t really want to learn, or have an interest in learning how to repair your own machine.
The Bianca may not give you the same peace of mind, because, let’s face it, a breakdown is not a matter of if.
Final through
I can’t say that there has been any moment of Lelit Bianca V3 ownership thus far that produced even a hint of doubt in its quality and abilities.
When I compared it to the nearly $8,000 GS3 MP, I openly admitted that had I had it before buying along la Marzocco, I would have maybe reconsidered, and I think that’s similar craze, but that’s also understanding that the main selling point feature, at least for me, is the flow control.

And if that’s what you want too, it’s worth looking at to be, if not, the Lelit Bianca vs ECM Synchronika best possible value for money in the mid-prosumer espresso space with similar features. the ECM Synchronica and prompt that drive hitting price points near it slightly.
But if you’re looking to keep things simpler and really don’t foresee a need for flow control now or in the future, and would rather pay a bit more up front for what I would consider a safer bet, the Linea micra may just be a better fit.
What makes the Lelit Bianca so special?
asically, it’s hugely underpriced for what it is especially in the UK, in Europe, in terms of performance, it competes with the lights of the La marzocco GS3, Slayer, rocket r91 one machines costing three or four or even five times the cost of the Lelit Bianca V3.
It brings this kind of end-game scenario into a relatively affordable price point. Okay, it’s still lower price

how much is it?
If you’re in the UK or other parts of Europe, you’re very lucky. It’s about two grand which as I explained is an absolute bargain for this machine.
If you’re in the States. Oh, competitive price point. But even I think we’re very competitive with price versus other machines have the same abilities.

what is the heatup time?
somebody’s heatup time, ideally, 25 to 30 minutes, heat up time its substantial brass e61 style group so it take this kind heat up time to get the to temperature so it’s at its most temperature stable.
but having said that if you in a made rush for coffee first thing in the morning and you want to pull a shot for 10 to 15 minutes,
It tastes probably anyway, won’t have woken up at that point anyway so you should be fine joking about it.
do think a smart plug is a must with E 61 groups on machines that don’t have auto-on schedules, just get one of these.
Schedule it to turn on from your phone when you wake up Schedule it to turn on so it’s ready when you need your first coffee.
What’s Thr Brew temperature offset?
If you talk about the offset between the boiler temperature reported via the screen on the temperature in the group, it’ll depend on how long it’s been on before, whether you do month-to-month shots, and so on.
Lance Hedrick did a load of tests on the lelit Bianca one of
the ambient reported an average 4 to 7 C difference.
If you’re referring to the offset in the menu, this allows you to set a target offset temperature.
So if you choose to have the temperature rises slightly, as you probably saw.
The emphasis here is on slightly. This isn’t temperature profiling as such a big brass group like this isn’t going to change dramatically fill out the shop whether the boiler heating element is on or off.
But still, I think as long as you realize what it is and what it isn’t, this is a useful feature.
what’s the auto off?
By default, was a 30 minute auto stand by mode that turns the boiler off all together, make the sleep mode useless.
Toggle between, stand by mode off or on. Just turn the machine off lever up Turn it on. look light around on the button the If it’s flashing the auto off is on repeat.
The process you have a solid light which indicates that the stand by mode is now off it Turn off. and back on again and the stand by mode is now set to off
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