Anfim Luna Coffee Grinder Review

Anfim Luna Review

This is Anfim Luna Review the best value for performance in professional and special grinding for decaf/filter or single-origin commercial coffee grinder with modernized design and clever user-centric features with a tough-to-beat value proposition.

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Anfin Luna is an entry-level commercial grinder and it promises impressive speed and quality.


Hey guys, I’m from Best Coffee Drink Today, I’ll be reviewing the Anfim Luna coffee grinder.

Best Value
AN ALBA BK Anfim Luna,anfim luna review,anfim luna coffee grinder

Anfim Luna Coffee Grinder

  • 6-second grind cycle
  • 4.4lb hopper
  • Worm Gear grind adjustment
  • Made in Italy
  • Up to 3 programmable recipes


Anfim Luna Review

Let’s look at the Anfim Luna dimensions 19.5cm in width, 15cm in height, and about 37.1cm.

And for the weight, 11.2 kilograms, not too heavy in my opinion,

From anfim Luna the top so you have the lid and the hopper holds what 2 kilograms of coffee beans.

The clipper over here can hold your coffee bean card. So you can just rotate it and let the customer see the bean profile.

Rocket Appartamento ReviewNext will be the bean gate so this is very similar to the home grinder, which is the Mahlkonig X54 for you to unlock and lock your coffee bean hopper. It’s very easy Just pull it out coffee beans hopper.

Twist snaps in really nice and dandy. And then moving down, you have grind adjustment. Now, very easy to use to make M adjustments.

It’s not really that hard. In fact it’s very very easy and simple, pretty much straightforward.

And you also have eight touch screens 3.5 inch Very intuitive.

We also have a shoot that is adjustable, and a Porta filter holder, which is also adjustable.

Next, you have the tray, which is magnetized. Snaps in very easily so you won’t spill coffee grounds all over your countertop. So this is a very nice looking grinder and looking at the back.

So you have the vents at the back and it uses a passive fan and right at the bottom is where the on off switch is, along with also comes in white and black.

looking the simple yet sleek design not so big in my opinion, your feet are just nice on any coffee bar.

So yes, it’s the right size for a commercial grinder. And if it hasn’t hit you just yet, Anfim is actually under the hemro group.

So under the hemro group, you have Anfim, obviously, mahlkonig, hey Cafe, and Ditting.

This explains why some parts are very similar, if not the same. So for example, you have shoot and the for over here, which is very similar to the mahlkonig e65s coffee grinder.

mahlkonig e65 s black wbg 31223.1621267379 Anfim Luna,anfim luna review,anfim luna coffee grinder

Mahlkonig e65s coffee grinder

  • Grind speed – about 4-5 g/sec
  • 1200 g/2.6 lb hopper
  • Custom grind programs
Lamarsa Coffee Machine Company

Anfim Luna Features


Regarding ease of use, the screen and the portafilter cradle are very neatly complemented with this cradle being one of my favorite grinder cradles as part of the Henro group.

You actually have seen this in many grinders.

Hold that portafilter quite perfectly.

Now, when it comes to the screen, it’s super simple to use, very clean, and has quite a nice sensitivity.

You can click through and it’s just accurate where you’re touching, especially when you go to the Program Mode.

Looking at the screen you got four boxes basically three pre-programmed times single double and triple, plus a grind on demand.

  • Three pre-programmed times
  • single Dose
  • Double Dose
  • Triple Dose


  • Two Different Mode
  • Basic mode
  • Pro mode

So it has three programmable modes and one manual mode.

So you can program it. Just press this button over here, and you can set how many seconds you want.

This is a time-based grinder, so you have to set how many seconds you want the luna to grind. So we have one or two entries over here, and the bottom left is manual mode.

Now there are two different modes. You got your basic mode with things, which means things are locked down.

This doesn’t sound like much, but considering this grinder really is focused for low volume cafes and office environments.

So being able to lock that screen down and keep things simple really is nice.

So let’s have a look at the settings. So settings and software is the first one very basic of your language—display Brightness.

Have your Brake function. So basically, this is a time allowance. It’s between pausing and resuming grinding of the selected recipe.

Especially in office environments where a lot of people use the grinder, people tend to fiddle with things, which can get quite annoying.

There’s also a dose timeout capture units of Malaysia, raising Celsius, date and time, password, software, and so forth.

You also have statistics as well, so you can check how many shots you have grind for each more, there are one, two, and three, and also for the manual grind cumulative statistics, basically the total shots that we will have grind and of course, this statistic, so this is relatively new.

It’s still at 0% as you use it along, it will increase, and you can actually tell when I might change over so this is pretty neat over here. All right, you got your support and your service.

anfim luna screen 3.5 inches

Grinding Speed

This Anfim Luna commercial grinder shines for 65mm flat burr using sky and speed.

The anfim Luna uses 65mm special steel burrs made in Germany.

Official figures happen at 4 seconds for 18 grams of coffee.

Especially in office environments where there are a lot of people using the grinder, people tend to like to fiddle with things, and it can get quite annoying.

Essentially it’s the same as mahlkonig E65s espresso grinder. Burg rine Life is approximately 800 kilograms, so it should get you throughout the year with no problem whatsoever.

The motor power is about 220 to 24 volts, 50 hertz at 460 watts, and 60 hertz at 530 watts.

As for the grinding speed, it grinds about 1500 rpm 50 hertz at 1800 RPM for 60 hertz as for the grinding capacity, this is not a slow grinder at all.

So guys about 2.8 grams per second to 3.6 grams per second at about 250 micro.

This is definitely faster than your average commercial grinder.

So being able to lock that screen down and keep things simple really is nice.

This will always depend on the gross profile grind size Anfim Luna coffee Grinder machine setup of the basket in your machine.

Personal purpose in extraction styles. For us, we’re getting six seconds or 20 grams of coffee using a VST in our Weston speeder coffee machine, which we have in our warehouse when it comes to the ground spout.

kees van der westen speedster all di pacci Anfim Luna,anfim luna review,anfim luna coffee grinder

Kees Van Der Westen Speedster Coffee Machine

  • Self bleeding group
  • Group solenoid valve
  • 0.6mm jet

It looks familiar because it is, once again, part of the Henry group to have access to pick up some of the best parts in the group.

anfim luna spout

And this spout really does work well. It’s super simple to adjust. So you can adjust the angle of the spout, so it’s always going to buy coffee into the center of the basket.

It’s also super easy to remove and clean or without the need for any tools while talking about cleaning this Anfim Luna grinds tray really is perfect.

It’s plastic, doesn’t scratch the bench and easily fits back into the place with the use of magnets.

Now, know that sounds simple, but having a tray easily removed, cleaned and placed back means you’re not ready to do it throughout the day.

And I really like things being really neat and clean.


  • Two Different Mode
  • Basic mode
  • Pro mode

well design Functional products really do appeal to me. Talking about cleaning the hopper.

The hopper is a 2kg hopper which is removed and sits flat on the bench.

Now, not all of us sit flat on the bench. What that means is sometimes when you remove them, you got to hold them,because if you let them go, they tip over, make a mess.

Now you probably move the hopper at the end of the day say get rid of the cleans in the hopper put into an airtight container to store overnight.

Talking about airtight the lid isn’t airtight, but it does really feel neat when putting it back on the hopper. So it’s a really nice feeling.

And on the net, you’ve got the clip so you can put your recipe card there, a nice little touch. The grinder is only as good as the grinder produces.


  • Two Different Mode
  • Basic mode
  • Pro mode

his motor operates at 1500 rpm, that is speed and heat to preserve the delicate flavors of your coffee.

The grind consistency is excellent with minimal retention, which is a crucial factor for any cafe.

Anfim Luna brings out bright vidity sweet notes and the silky texture for this particular espresso.

it does an excellent job of maintaining flavor, clarity and consistency, highlighting the natural characteristics of the coffee.

And on the net, you’ve got the clip so you can put your recipe card there, a nice little touch. The grinder is only as good as the grinder produces.

It’s looking really good for the Anfim Luna commercial espresso grinder, in my opinion.

This is a really good grinder. Came a long way since I last used it on anfim when I was a barista.

Can’t remember the exact model, but I think was Anfim SP where you have to sweep the coffee ground.

Anfim SP II%2B espresso grinder Anfim Luna,anfim luna review,anfim luna coffee grinder

Anfim SP II Coffee Grinder

  • Digital Omron timer
  • 75 mm Titanium burr
  • User-friendly software

I mean this is a very good upgrade from the last body I use since 1932 anfim producing the Thailand standard for espresso,

and I guess Anfim Luna delivers a super, very commercial grinder for any cafe from low to mid volume,

The Luna will keep up, and that’s the Anfim Luna espresso grinder.

Best Mid Volume Cafe
AN ALBA BK Anfim Luna,anfim luna review,anfim luna coffee grinder

Anfim Luna Coffee Grinder

  • 6-second grind cycle
  • 4.4lb hopper
  • Worm Gear grind adjustment
  • Made in Italy
  • Up to 3 programmable recipes

What do you think of this grinder?

Now I like to know your thoughts. What do you think of this grinder? Let me know in the comments below, and like always, put your value. Hit that. Thumbs up. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe. Thank you and see you.

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